
Three Easy Ways to Get Pizza on Sunset

There are many ways to get pizza. You can get your pizza delivered by your local neighborhood joint or pick one up from a nearby place. You can get a frozen pizza at the grocery store or you can even make one from scratch. On special occasions, you might even want to go out with your friends or roommates to share some pizza at a nice restaurant. At WOOD Silver Lake, we want to make sure you can easily get your pizza on Sunset. Here are three easy ways for you to enjoy your WOOD Pizza.

Order From Our Menu

At WOOD Silver Lake, we have always been proud of our excellent pizza menu. We have, after all, developed in such a way that anyone can find something they enjoy. Whether you like your pizzas with sizzling pepperoni, tasty prosciutto, and flavorful sausage, or you are more into mushrooms, brussels sprouts, and enticing cheese combinations, we have the right pizza for you. That’s right, our menu has a combination of beloved pizza classics as our own array of flavors and recipes. You can even substitute for vegan cheese. Are you looking to get your usual pizza order? Do you feel like trying something new? The WOOD Silver Lake menu makes sure that you have your choice of artisan Neapolitan pizza on Sunset.

Bake Your Own WOOD Pizza

Of course, you don’t always have to order a freshly-baked pizza. After all, it’s quarantine. This means that everyone is trying to shake things up at home by learning how to make things. Everyone is just baking their own banana bread now, it seems. You can join the trend by baking your own pizza and we are here to help you out with that. You probably already know about our grocery delivery menu, which is there to help you get your groceries without having to expose your household to the virus at the grocery store. We can give you almost everything you need so that you can go ahead and bake your own WOOD pizza.

Save it for Later

Of course, sometimes you know you want to get pizza sometime but not just yet. Still, you want to have the option to get it whenever you get the craving. That’s the appeal of getting a frozen pizza at the grocery store, isn’t it? That is why, as part of our delivery menu, we can provide you with the option to order one of our lightly baked pizzas. These pizzas are put together by our cooks, assembled, and prepared for you to consume whenever you feel like having it. These pizzas allow you to enjoy the best pizza on Sunset at any time. It brings you the convenience of a frozen pizza with the taste of an artisanal one.

Pizza on Sunset

At WOOD Silver Lake, we take pride in our selection of pizzas, for we make them using only the best ingredients available. Whether you want to get a freshly-baked pizza or to make your own at home, we can help you out. Just give us a call at (323) 667-9940.

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